4.25 stars
The main character's name is a different variation of my favorite male name (Jason) and that alone gets it 5stars from me, because sometimes I'm easy like that.
On a more serious note: I enjoyed the fuck out of this story! And there isn't even any sex! I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did (I couldn't even put it down to go to bed), but this just made its way to my 'a thousand hearts' shelf of love. There were just so many things about it that I adored! The writing is great (very minor errors), the characters are all marvelous, I even smiled over the children and that is a very rare thing indeed, so points to Sera Trevor for that as well. There's some depth to the characters and the start of what seems to be some excellent world building, although if the story were longer there could be more development to both characters and their world. I even liked
Polina's character! I love me a bitch welldone ^~^ and the fact that she had moments of being likeable suggests that perhaps somewhere down the line there is hope for her to redeem herself, only at her own choosing of course.
(show spoiler)
My only complaint is that
the ending conflict of the story felt not only forced in to give the story a bit more "plot" and length, but also unnecessary. Yes, Jasen didn't want to tell Rilvor that he wasn't a virgin in the exact moment the first opportunity presented itself due to circumstances, but he had time to talk things out with Rilvor after that on many an occasion; and if Rilvor had had a problem with Jasen's lack of virginity (which he doesn't) then fuck him the marriage should be off anyway. Having Jasen keep the "secret" until Rilvor caught up with Jasen after the supposed scandal was "brought to light" (yay for rumors) served very little purpose. But besides that, what really irritates me is that the conflict felt resolved too easily and quickly. This irritated me so much that I skipped through the epilogue for basic information. I doubt reading the whole epilogue word for word would have made me feel any more complete, so no loss there.
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Overall, this was cute and sweet, with moments that had me smiling (at children, of all things) and left me wanting more (and not just for the above spoiler). I would love to read something else by this author in the future.